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An Eternal Life Radio Network station serving Shirley-Fitchburg MA and the world.

Work That Honors and Glorifies God

The Glories of St Joseph – St Joseph the Worker; Our Quest for Happiness – The Role of Baptismal Sponsors, Conditional Baptism; The Secret of Mary – Total Consecration to Mary and the Tree of Life; Communism and Women.

Baptism and more

Our Quest for Happiness – On the sacrament of Baptism; Hamon’s Meditations – How Temptations can be Changed to Good.; Devotion to Mary Defended; Our Quest for Happiness – On Universal Detachment; Hamon’s Meditations – The Transfiguration of Christ.

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for the Baptism of Jesus

Today, we mark the end of the Christmas season with the Baptism of the Lord. In fact, in the east, Epiphany is associated with the Baptism of the Lord as well as, of course, Christmas and the coming of the Magi. We celebrate this as a distinct feast to mark the beginning of what we […]

Fr. Michel Rodrigue, Apostle of the Last Times? (Part I)

Part I of a talk by Fr. Michel Rodrigue of Quebec, who has founded the order of the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, gives a stunning testimony of the miraculous founding of his order, and the messages from private revelations that he has received about a worldwide warning that precedes the Final Battle.