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Feast of the Guardian Angels – Part 2

Akita and the Amazon Synod

Since we published the story about the new message Sister Agnes received from her angel there has been no shortage of questions raised. The first round related to our credibility as a news source, which is fair, and we have offered a reply. More inquiries have been made recently for an update from Sister Agnes […]

Quotes from Akita: The Tears and Message of Mary (Part 4)

This is the forth and final part of our special series of excerpts from the definitive book on Akita. In this part, the miracles of Akita go under the scrutiny of faithless opposition, the miracles of the tears are captured by a camera crew and broadcast on television, the statue weeps for the last time, […]

Quotes from Akita: The Tears and Message of Mary (Part 3)

The third installment of excerpts from the timely book Akita: The Tears and Message of Mary by Fr. Teiji Yasuda

Quotes from Akita: The Tears and Message of Mary (Part 2)

We continue our series of notable excerpts from the definitive book on the Marian apparition in Akita, “Akita: The Tears and Message of Mary” by Fr. Teiji Yasuda, who was the convent chaplain during the time of the apparitions and Sr. Agnes spiritual director. This part contains some significant spiritual insights from Fr. Teiji regarding […]

Br. Christopher on Guardian Angels

Holy Guardian Angels Collect

O God, Who in Your unfathomable providence, are pleased to send Your holy angels to guard us, hear our supplication as we cry to You, that we may always be defended by their protection and rejoice eternally in their company, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Michel Rodrigue, Apostle of the Last Times? (Part I)

Part I of a talk by Fr. Michel Rodrigue of Quebec, who has founded the order of the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, gives a stunning testimony of the miraculous founding of his order, and the messages from private revelations that he has received about a worldwide warning that precedes the Final Battle.