Fr. Michel Rodrigue, Apostle of the Last Times? (Part I)
Fr. Michel Rodrigue of Quebec, who has founded the order of the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, gives a stunning testimony of the miraculous founding of his order, and the messages from private revelations that he has received about a worldwide warning that precedes the Final Battle.
WQPH disclaimer:
Father Rodrigue’s claims must be discerned by the listener, but you will see that he gives many forms of evidence, especially the speed with which his order was founded without any changes made to its constitution.
Therefore WQPH is helping to promote his message so that more people may become aware of him and his order, and decide for themselves the credibility of his testimony.
His speaking can be a bit difficult for the listener to understand, so we have made with some effort, the following transcript of this talk which is Part 1 of two he gave in October of 2018. (Part II can be found here)
It is a special grace to be with you today, and for me, every time I accept to go somewhere, I ask The Father, the Eternal Father, every time I say Father, it’s the Eternal Father. My father is already in heaven, and my mother also. This is why here on earth, I talk about the Father, He is the Eternal Father for everyone.
So every time I come here I ask the Eternal Father. It’s Him who asked me in 2009 to have this new monastery there. And it happened during Christmas time. And when I was in the parish, we had no priests to celebrate on Christmas Eve. So I went there. And we have two masses. One, the first Mass, we had already everyone, and suddenly, we had a Pentecost in this church. So the people were completely touched and transformed by the gift of the Holy Spirit, and it was so electrifying, in that everyone seemed to be on fire, like me, I was.
So immediately after we have the second Mass, and then, I would think that because I feel this fire of love, I think that the Father will give another experience of this Pentecost. He gave in another way an experience. So during the Mass when I was preaching, in the 3rd balcony of this church, I hear, “help me, help me”. We asked if we have physician doctor there, there were four and they were young and they ran and they climbed, and they arrived before me. When I arrived, I was probably like Saint Peter, when he ran to see the tomb of Jesus, because he thinks that somebody had taken the body of Christ. So he went with Saint John. Saint John was young. He ran fast, and Peter arrived [makes panting sound]. So when I arrived there I was like him, probably.
And suddenly I saw the lady there, laying down, and the doctor trying to reanimate her. After a while, he said to me, “it’s finished, father.” So I said, how come it’s finished? How come she’s dead, you cannot do this tonight. This is your birthday, this is the celebration of your birthday, how come? You will ask me on another day which is the better way to die, I will say Christmas. But at that moment, I cannot understand nothing. It was out of my boundaries.
So, I don’t know why, but I put my hands over her chest, and I said, “in the name of the Lord Jesus, come back.” And I heard [gasping sound of breath returning]. And she came back. But I forgot that I have the microphone on me, so when the sound went [gasping sound], it passed through the microphone and the church heard it.
So she was just dancing in front of me, saying “oh I’m so well, I am so well, father.” And I said, “you must go to the hospital.” And she said, “ah, no, no, father, I am well! I am well!” And I said, “listen to me, you must go to the hospital, you will go there, they will find nothing, you will come back. And when you will come back, the door of the church will open, and you will see the steam of the Saint Lawrence River entering the church, and you will pass through it, and you will receive the Holy Covenant as an apparition.” So she looked at me, and goes with the ambulance.
So, during the covenant, I was finishing the line of the covenant with the people, and suddenly…you know this church is certainly 100 years old, and she had a big back door that was never opened. And suddenly we heard a crack. And both doors open, and we could see the steamboat because it was Christmas. Christmas in Montreal, sometimes [unintelligible]. And you could see the steam of the Saint Lawrence river entering in the church as a corridor in the middle of the church. And suddenly this lady arrived just in front of me to receive the Holy Covenant. So I gave her the Holy Covenant, and I said “wait here just a second.” And I took put in the tabernacle the body of Jesus, and I came back to her and I took her with my hands. And I said, now we will go to the manger to thank the Lord. Everyone can hear that. So we went there, we kneeled in front of the manager, and we sang. We sang the song that was created by the Angel of the Lord when Jesus was born. Since that time that song is everywhere in the world. So we will stand and sing it together. This is the song of the angel. It will always be there, until Jesus returns back…
[Priest and audience sings Gloria]
…You know when you sing this song, you give joy in Heaven. You can be sure, all the choirs of angels sing with you. You know something really nice? If you hear the song, nobody made a false note. So the Angel of the Lord is with you.
So I heard after this happened, I was returning to the Grand Seminary in Montreal. Entering the road, I received the recitation of The Rosary of the Father. And I cannot stop saying the Our Father during the road. No matter, I was on the road to return to the Grand Seminary of Montreal, it was so strong in me I cannot stop. So at that moment to talk and review the Rosary of The Father. So this Rosary existed before the Rosary of Virgin Mary. It was in the beginning of the Church for the people who cannot read the psalms; they were saying the Our Father 150 times. And He gave me this Rosary. And you know, it was for me new information, so I had to make a research on this, and it was true. I found the historical part of the archive of the church that The Rosary of The Father existed. This is very nice.
And after I returned to the Grand Seminary, and then I said to the Father, “Father, I must leave, tomorrow I will have a long day.” It was Christmas, many masses to celebrate. So I went to bed, and at 2:30 in the morning, and since that time, every time, St. Benedict Joseph Labre wants to talk, he comes at 2:30 in the morning.
And at 2:30 in the morning I was shaken in my bed, the bed was moving. And it was beside me St. Benedict Joseph Labre. So at that moment I heard the voice of the Father saying “stand.” So I stand, but you know I said today the voice of the Father, but at the moment, the voice was so…original. Everything seemed to originate from His Voice. At that moment I wasn’t sure if it was Jesus or the Father. Stand, and He’s ready order, “go to your computer.” So I went to my computer and I sat. And He said, “listen, and write.”
So he gave me the constitution of our fraternity that was accepted like that, without changing a word. Can you believe that? The Church doesn’t change a word on this. And you know something, we have just 3 orders who have the constitution given by the Father that I know of in the history of the Church, and we are one of the 3. So at that moment, He was giving me the constitution, and after a while, not only the word came, but the vision came. And he asked me to build this new order, and it will have two monasteries, one for women, and one for men. And He wants this fraternity of mine to be spread everywhere by renewing the Christian Catholic family by the teaching we give and also the rising of the spirituality in our Christian faith because we are so, so dumb, you know, sometimes.
So there He gave me the branch for the family, the branch for the future priests, and the branch also for the consecrated people who will be our sisters, or men acting by their consecration of life for Jesus in the world.
So when I saw this thing, I became nervous. And I said to the Father, I cannot do this, it’s too much, you know, it’s too much. Look at me, why not choose another, you have so many who are young and able to do it with capacity, you have many that are more intelligent than me, why are you choosing me? I said, you know I had 8 heart attack, I had 2 cancers already, I almost died. You know he knows that. I almost died and now you choose me, and suddenly…you don’t have to do too much with the Eternal Father, I assure you. So suddenly, I was suspended into like a dust into the universe. I can see around me the planets, the galaxy. I can see all. It was gorgeous. The stars, and I was there, and the voice said, you human race, that I have created with my love. You that the original sin has broken. And you know when he said that I said I will die, because every cell in my body was vibrating with His voice.
And suddenly I hear “Michel,” when I heard my name I was already in the heart of Jesus. And He said, “listen…look.” and all the vision came back, and He said everything that my Father asks you exists already. So I know that it was the Father now, and I have the voice of Jesus and the voice of the Father; really distinct voices. And when I was in the heart of Jesus, I hear the beat of His heart. And I hear also, the flowing, the flowing of His blood through His heart.
And in His heart the first flesh in the intern of his heart were all the priests and bishops and Pope there. That I can see. And every time that Lord has purified them and make new life. And the second flesh of the heart was all the baptized, and partially they were the religious people who consecrate their life to Jesus. The third flesh was all the baptized people. And the last part of heart, the intern, was all humankind who exist on earth. And the external part was all creation. So every time the blood of Jesus passes and comes back it passes through everyone. And I cannot explain that.
So when I hear Jesus saying “remember, you are just a servant.” And I said, “yes Father, I will do it.” And I turn back behind my computer. But He was telling and I was writing, but He goes so fast, I said “Father, you go so fast I cannot follow you.” You know I was able to type around 69 words per minute because I have a technique for that, but you know after a while I cannot follow him. I said “you go to fast,” and He was a little bit humorous. I can hear Him laughing a little. And He slowed down so that I can follow Him.
I tell you this story because this is the beginning of the work of the Holy Spirit when he came for the creation of our new fraternity. But the Holy Spirit comes often in your life. First of all he come by your being. You exist because of the gift of God. Nobody exists on earth without the permission of the Father. He is the one that creates your soul. His breath is given to you when your mom and your dad by love were united together in one body.
Some people will say to me, father I was raped, and the baby came. But I said to them, you know if the baby is there it is there because of your love. And you can heal yourself through this baby. Every time you will see this baby you will see that he is there for you. You know rape is a violent thing, its an evil thing. Everyone who suffers this must be healed and delivered from this experience, but at the same time this baby you bore will be always there for you until the time that you die, he will be like your shepherd sometimes.
So inside of this, the Father gave many things to us. The first thing was our existence. And He sent Jesus, He sent him because he saw humanity. Remember the story of Abraham? Remember the story of Noah? He sent him because he knows that humanity will be crushed by the devil. So we are not fighting against human, we are fighting against the devil’s spirit in the air, in the sea.
You know when I made exorcism with the Latin prayer, we exorcise the spirits of the air, of the sea, of the earth, and of the fire. And every time we do it, we know that the battle is not with this person who is in need, because for this person, the Kingdom of God arrived to deliver her or him.
But you know something, that we have the victory of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in our own life. How? By the second greatest gift you receive: the new life of Jesus when you were baptized. Every baptized receives the new life of Christ. So you are all baptized, but we don’t think about that. And you are made stronger to resist to the tempter when you are confirmed in the Holy Spirit, who comes in you. And Saint Matthew said that, Saint Paul. And Jesus said before, We will come in you and We will make Our home in you. So you are a temple of the Holy Spirit by confirmation; the gift, the seal, and the healing power of the Holy Spirit.
You recognize now that you are gifted; you are gifted with the grace of the Lord. And when Jesus showed me all the baptized, he showed me the chosen ones that he had asked to be with him for the others who doesn’t hear of him.
And this world this today is under attack. It was never like that in the past. It’s under attack by the devil. The devil has managed during for several years now, I would say for almost 100 years. He started, he’s almost finished. We will see the Final Battle soon. Satan has prepared a worldwide government through different nations. 10 of them at the beginning, but seven was under the 10. They are the beast in the apocalypse.
During this time he has prepared also the weapon to destroy 1/3rd of humanity. Now they are making it in laboratories. Three weeks ago it was on the news, they have taken the gene of the spider and have put it in pigs. You know the spider represents a Satanic symbol, and the pigs also. I don’t say that the pigs are not good, but it’s a symbol for Satanic cult.
And with that, they said they will be resisting more the flu. But this is not the goal, this is what they say to make the people “Oooooh! Amazing!”
You know that the devil has the power to change something ugly as beautiful. The proof of that: Halloween. Everybody is out on Halloween, like “ahahahah!” This is what he does when he wants us to commit sin; he proposes something bad. “No father, it’s just a little sin.” No, it’s a sin, it can’t be little. But every time you are looking at this you are seduced because it seems to be not bad. He changed the thing. He plays in our [unintelligible], he plays in our intelligence, he plays in our imagination. And he catches and grips us with our senses.
So when you are looking what’s happening now in the world. Satan has prepared this world to be under a big attack, and now we are almost entering in this time. This is why we are here today, because the Virgin Mary came so much and so often in the Church, she came by gift the Holy Spirit, because the holy spirit is the soul of the Church. He sanctifies us, gives us everything we need to follow Jesus. We invoke the Holy Spirit on the bread and wine that it may become for us the body and blood of Christ. It is the Holy spirit.
And during several times the Virgin Mary appeared, particularly the miraculous medal which is the medal for the bad time. The end of time will happen. We will have some others here you can be sure. But this time is the end of the bad time. The miraculous medal behind has 12 stars, and each star has to be on the side of the top of the Cross, because the satanic cult now put the star over the vertical arm of the Cross. This is not the miraculous medal, throw it out. The real one is the one made under the council of the Virgin Mary when she appeared in 1813 to Catherine Labouré in France. And after that we have many many apparition, and we have also in Ireland Our Lady of Knock, and we have in Guadalupe.
Guadalupe is one of the most important apparitions that we say for America. All America; Mexico, United States, and Canada. You know why? Because of the abortion. When she appeared, she asked them to stop the killing of the baby. And it was the reason why she appeared. And now we need her as we have never in the past, because just in your country, we talk about a million babies killed every year. And in Canada, the same thing. This is terrible.
Satan has now the abortion by drugs. In Canada, the drugs are legalized, and they legalize marijuana, and they have now finished to write this law and voted it in September, and the day after the Minister of Health panel said she’s looking–she’s expecting to have every drug legal. Can you believe that?
Satan working. He has also with euthanasia, to kill the elder, and to kill also the people who are not performing according the boundary or characteristic. He has also prepared the nuclear war. It will come because of the lack of men who are baptized, now acting more under the influence of Satan than guidance of the Holy Spirit, it’s because of their sinful lives.
And he needs a head, a political head, to control this worldwide government, he needs also a false prophets to unify all the religions. And he will need him to sit on Saint Peter’s chair, because this is the final fight. This fight is very important to him because of his pride. And this pride makes him so raging against the Catholic Faith, and he knows that Saint Peter has the promise from Jesus Himself that never will hell control the Church. And he wanted to sit on this chair, he is burning for that, and is preparing everything for that.
This is why we have so many scandals in the Church now. He entered in the Church, the smoke of Satan entered the Church, Paul VI said that. Entering the Church by the priests who were not dedicated enough for their vocation by different kind of stuff.
And this is important. We must realize that this day is coming. And we must realize that the work and the announcement that we are doing today will be for you very important because you are here.
You know that during the Rosary I will say that the Virgin Mary came, she came with Saint Joseph. And I asked her when I was praying the Rosary why Jesus didn’t come. And she laughed, and said “you will see. You will receive him at the Holy Eucharist.”
You know sometimes I am not enough intelligent, this is why she laughed.
So we are all chosen by heaven. Please, please, you are not alone. You have a guardian angel with you. Your guardian angels asked you through my humble person, they ask you to think of them because we have in our life, without thinking so much about our guardian angel. He is there in everyday. It is him who brings the light in your heart when Jesus wants to talk to you, to give you good decisions, good discernment, to give you how to act, what you have to do, if you want to please God, what it is today that I can do with the grace that you receive, he carries for you, he is the messenger for you from the heart of Jesus, and from all the Holy Family and from all the Holy Trinity. He brings this grace in your heart. And sometimes you are doing something, and suddenly it comes. It came. You have light. How come? Because of your guardian angel.
So we must pray to our guardian angel. And the fight that we are about to reflect today, it’s the gift of the Holy Spirit for the Church, because He has not only sent the Virgin Mary; the Father has sent the Virgin Mary with Jesus for us, but He has also made prophets among you to hear the will of the Father in this time, in this particular time. This is important. The work of the Holy Spirit.
When I will come back I will talk about three major events in the Church, and I will talk about this before to give you the last message that he has given to me. So thank you.