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Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for February 4th, 2021

Today, this celebration, this feast of St. Joseph of Leonessa, helps to highlight something of today’s first reading from Hebrews; namely, this is the primary text where the Bible calls us to have devotion to the saints. And we remember the saints, in general. As a matter of fact, in the Maronite Rite, we just […]

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for January 27th, 2021

Today we are continuing on in Chapter 10 of the letter to the Hebrews. This chapter is pulling together the very rich arguments of the previous nine chapters. He had been setting out step-by-step each of the points that were necessary for them to understand, and that included the divinity of Christ in Chapter 1, […]

People don’t want you to know things so they can make decisions for you. They don’t want you to make your own decision based on what you think about. Once I was canceled on the Internet–a live broadcast in which I was praying the Rosary–they canceled it and cut it off, right away. As soon as I prayed for some of our Catholic politicians who are in favor of abortions–as soon as I prayed for them–wham! It was off. This is something we’re going to see more of. And we can expect, it’s not going to be one or other famous public person, it’s going to be everyone and anyone. We have to remember, that is an attack on human dignity.

Father Mitch Pacwa

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for the Baptism of Jesus

Today, we mark the end of the Christmas season with the Baptism of the Lord. In fact, in the east, Epiphany is associated with the Baptism of the Lord as well as, of course, Christmas and the coming of the Magi. We celebrate this as a distinct feast to mark the beginning of what we […]

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for the Epiphany

Ephesians Chapter 3 is one of a number of places where St. Paul speaks about the mystery of Revelation. He uses this word following the prophet Daniel who, in his revelation of various dreams and other revelations, identifies them as mysteries known only to God. And St. Paul uses that for the even more profound […]

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for December 14th, 2020

Today’s Gospel brings up a problem that occurs throughout humanity–and we certainly see it in our own time; there are people who want to have authority and power but disregard what is true for its own sake. In this case, the chief priests and the elders were in charge of the temple where Our Lord […]

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for Gaudete Sunday

In the Latin rite this is one of the two days in the Church’s year where we wear the rose colored vestments. And this Sunday is known as Guaudete Sunday. More than half of Advent is over, so there is rejoicing because Christmas is getting closer. And I always look forward to that because it […]

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for December 9th

Today we celebrate that the Lord chose Juan Diego a native American and Native Mexican in those days. And he was chosen contrary to any of his own desires or interest to see the Blessed Mother. One of the important things is that it was a miraculous experience where the image of the Blessed Mother […]

Repeatedly, Scripture teaches us that death is God’s enemy. We have to remember that today. Because we see governments using death as their ally, whether it be the Nazis, who want to eliminate peoples that they think are inferior, so they use death as their ally, or Communist and Socialist governments who want to use death as an ally to eliminate anybody who disagrees with them–and they killed more than the Nazis.

People in our own society who want those who interfere–with my environmental concerns, my concerns for career–if they are in my way, I have to use my ally, death. And politicians buy into that. You see over and over again how they want to use death as their friend. But they are making friends with God’s enemy. This is what they do when they want euthanasia, abortion, elimination, rounding up their enemies, all of those things. They are making God’s enemy their ally.

Father Mitch Pacwa

Father Mitch Pacwa's homily for December 2nd

It is always important for us to remember, as we enter into this season of Advent, that it’s part of a bookend celebration. At the end of the liturgical year, we were reading text about the Final Judgment and the end of the world. At the beginning of the liturgical year, we do it again […]

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