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An Eternal Life Radio Network station serving Shirley-Fitchburg MA and the world.

Interview with Pam Acker, Part 3

Interview with Pam Acker, Part 2

Aired 9/4 Transcript Thank you for listening to WQPH 89.3 FM, Shirley-Fitchburg, Queen of Perpetual Help and welcome to another edition of WQPH’s Local Matters. On this week’s broadcast, WQPhHs Mary Ann Harold teams up with sister station WSFI’s Angela Tomlinson, and they talk to scientist and author Pam Acker about the vaccine. This will […]

Interview with Pam Acker, Part 1

Aired 8/28 Transcript Thank you for listening to WQPH 89.3 FM. Shirley Fitchburg, Queen of Perpetual Help and welcome to another edition of WQPH’s Local Matters. On this week’s broadcast WQPH’s Mary Anne Harold teams up with sister station WSFI’s Angela Tomlinson, and they talk to scientist and author Pam Acker about the vaccine. MAH: […]

Covid Vaccine

To get or not to get (a covid vaccine)…that is the question (to paraphrase Shakespeare). Do those who receive the vaccine comply or participate with evil? “No,” say Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. However, some Catholics do not accept that Church teaching, holding fast to the belief […]

Catholic Conscience with Vaccines, Part 2

Catholic Conscience — Virus, Part 1

More on Vaccine

Covid and Vaccine