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We began Lent last year, and a few weeks into Lent last year churches began to close. It seemed like the whole world began to close; to shut down. Many of you were not able to enter into Lent, that is, enter into Lent going to Mass, and then for that journey toward Easter where we celebrate the Easter joy of the Resurrection.

So, for many people, Lent has become perpetual. We have not had that break where we celebrate Easter together. Easter was celebrated, Holy Week, Easter, the Octave, and the weeks going forward, at home for many people. And still, for many people, in some places they are still locked down, throughout the world. That is sad in many places. It is sad for the Mystical Body of Christ to be somehow separated from the celebration of the Sacraments.

For those of you who may be at home still and not celebrating mass in your churches, your parishes, you are united with us at this altar. And it may be an encouragement to you to go to Mass. Maybe you’re finding yourself a little afraid to go back. We are praying for you that you make that decision. I can guarantee you that most churches are spotless just like our church and clean just like our church. So come back to Mass. Receive the Sacraments.

Quote from Father John Paul Mary’s homily for the First Sunday of Lent

Lent and Modernism

Our Quest for Happiness – the Good Samaritan; Liturgical Year Abbot Gueranger – First Sunday in Lent – Our Lord’s Temptations; Apocalyptic New Age Part III – City of God vs City of Man; Hamon’s Meditations – On Resisting Temptation

Lent and the New Age

Liturgical Year Abbot Gueranger – Vocation of Abraham; Ash Wednesday; Hamon’s Meditations – Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament; Our Lady of Lourdes; Apocalyptic New Age Part II.

Coronavirus, Abortion, Lent and more
