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A Plenary Indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally for the dead from November 1st-8th (Octave of All Saints). The Plenary Indulgence can be gained on each on of these eight days. The indulgence is applicable only to the souls in Purgatory. On other days of the year this indulgence is a partial one.

The Handbook of Indulgences

Divine Mercy Sunday: How to obtain the graces promised by Our Lord

Tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday, and Jesus has promised a complete forgiveness of sins and their punishment to the souls who will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on this feast day. To receive these graces, you must receive Holy Communion in a state of grace; going to Confession beforehand, and trusting in His […]

“Indulge Me”

The ease of earning indulgences and why it is worth your time and effort.

Plenary indulgence available on Divine Mercy Sunday

“I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My mercy.” – Jesus to St. Faustina (Divine Mercy in My Soul / entry 1109) Do not miss this exceptional grace available to all Catholics on the Feast of the Divine Mercy, […]