Dear listeners and readers. Today is the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross. One listener sent us the following prayer suggestion, which is to say the name of Jesus 1000 times in honor of today’s feast. And at each 50 times, say “If the devil tempts me in the day of my death […]
We’re coming up on the one year anniversary since Sister Agnes Sasagawa received a new message from her guardian angel on October 6th, 2019, and there is a renewed interest and questions about the story. WQPH continues to stand by the authenticity of the message as being from Sister Agnes. A reader writes us: How […]
In the New Testament we hear Jesus saying “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” After Jesus’s Resurrection, the Apostles were teaching and the words “the Way,” or the “Nazarene sect” are used in referencing Jesus’s teachings of the resurrection and salvation. It is not familiar to me. Does this text appear in any of the Sunday readings (A, B, C years)?
In the Old Testament, there is a line which says “the tables on which was the bread of the Presence.” Is this about bread given to honor God’s presence?
It’s been several months since we received from a courier a new message from Sr. Sasagawa, and the world has seen great upheaval since then. And the story continues to receive steady attention. One reader writes in regarding the translation we provided for the new message: I offer an improved translation of part of the […]