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An Eternal Life Radio Network station serving Shirley-Fitchburg MA and the world.

The Hope of Nineveh

When considering the new message from Sr. Agnes, Father Heilman offered the following commentary: I’ve been doing very strict fasts since we got [the story of the new message]. I’m taking this very seriously, and we’re trying to do our best to call out to God as the people of Nineveh did, because, you know, […]

Akita and the Amazon Synod

Since we published the story about the new message Sister Agnes received from her angel there has been no shortage of questions raised. The first round related to our credibility as a news source, which is fair, and we have offered a reply. More inquiries have been made recently for an update from Sister Agnes […]

Editorial: the ache of holding on

WQPH reflects on this difficult period of waiting for divine intervention. (Image “IMG_2897” by wolfnowl is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Editorial: Fatherhood, the beginning of all things.

“I was with him forming all things: and was delighted every day, playing before him at all times; playing in the world: and my delights were to be with the children of men.”

Editorial: Notre Dame and the death of holy things

We are, as you are; stunned, and struck with sadness at the sight of a Notre Dame Cathedral of France, the eldest daughter of the Church, burning.