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Star of Bethlehem

December 28, 2024

We live a significant portion of our lives in darkness, caused by astronomical changes (Earth rotating in relation to the Sun), psychosocial factors (depression or alienation), and spiritual desolation (disbelief, sin, and despair). The good and great God of creation graced us with the minds and materials to build artificial light and develop psychological and medicinal therapeutics. However, no lightbulb or medicine can resolve the desolation of a spirit lost in sin and alienated from God, and we cannot save ourselves. So, the same God brought us Light for the taking, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). If we humble ourselves and follow Jesus, we will find that “In Him was life, and that life was the light of mankind.” (John 1:4-5). And the source of this life and the will to move through it well is “The Love that moved the sun in heaven and the other stars” (The Divine Comedy, Paradiso, Canto 33, Dante Alighieri)

Episode Notes:

The Star of Bethlehem: the legacy of the Magi, by Rutgers University Professor Emeritus of Astronomy Michael Molnar