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An Eternal Life Radio Network station serving Shirley-Fitchburg MA and the world.

"Coach Wolf"

December 14, 2019

Coach Wolf

Dan described his recent experiences with the death of his high school football coach, a man 2nd only to his father in influence on him. He then went on to describe some of his coach’s virtuous masculinity, and the impact of such a role model (“he’s in my veins”). Dan and Tom discussed the importance of our saintly role models, of the importance of each mentoring the other and going out into the world 2×2 in the spirit of the Apostles. Tom described some of his experiences with his Dad, and how much he learned about him after his death. The hosts described the impact good women have upon young (and old) men.

Advent 2019

Dan and Tom explore the Scriptural foundation of Advent, delving deep into the Incarnational preparation found in the beginnings of Luke, and then contrasting that experience with our blithe ignorance of this preparatory season by today’s culture. Today we go through December’s calendar, focusing on the 25th while ignoring the season of holy anticipation of the greatest mystery in history: Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving and Penance, aka, PFAP!