Saint Lawrence
Of the many virtues in Sainthood, “dying to self” has the greatest importance. That theme resonates throughout the New Testament, most especially, of course, from Jesus and Paul. Our very Baptism begins that process, and we carry that process forward only after we have begun carrying our own cross. Dying is part of our sanctification; and when we are crucified in Christ we no longer live, but Christ lives in us. What an honor! But what a challenge, when we become so attached to the things of this world. If we remain attached to hold on to this life, Jesus tells us we will lose it–and the “it” is everlasting life.Lawrence had a lot to lose in this world, since he had such a prestigious position as a deacon to the Pope in the Roman church. But his devotion to Christ was manifest, when he willingly went to his (very slow) death rather than obey Emperor Velarius and worship the Roman gods. He may or may not have said, “Turn me over, this side is done” as they roasted him on a gridiron, but his love for Christ shouts loudly to us: “Jesus saves!”