Poor in Spirit
Tom and Dan begin a series that digs deeply into each of the Beatitudes, they also reflect upon the applicable broadness of each and how they relate to friendship, marriage, and to a much deeper and profoundly personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Tom teaches us historical facts about the differences in the “live audience” of the servant on the mount versus today’s followers, enriched through faith and the theological resources and learned theology over generations, and by the practices of the Catholic Church for more than 2000 years. References are also made to the original group of disciples, referred to as the “inner circle”, versus “the outer circle”, those that were freshly introduced to Christ at that moment, and are perhaps viewed as being on “the peripheries” today. With that, and in light of the title of our show, the 13th Apostle, we hope to inspire our audience to come to understand that we are all called to the “inner circle”, today.