"The Little Flower"
St. Therese, aka the “Little Flower”, had deep convictions, but had strong willed volatility and single-minded purpose that, early on, she used for “her ways.” Dan develops his understanding of her, and subsequently realized he needs to do more listening during his prayers. St Therese was inspired to change from “her ways” to “God’s ways,” and has inspired Dan and Tom to begin praying like children and to bring God into all their tasks. Don’t leave God “out there, somewhere” but invite Him in just as Jesus invited the Apostles (“Come and see”). We expect the Church to accommodate our desires, rather than devoting ourselves to live the faith of Jesus that His Church teaches and preserves. The Little Flower is also known as the “Little Way,” to make herself small and give it all to God. The smaller we get the greater we see all that is around us and have awe of the greatness of God and His creation. Not today’s culture of “Go big or go home.” She has toughness, but minimizes her ego. The Little Flower had the humility and strength of character to change; became a saint; and, made us better for her witness.