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WQPH's statement on our story of the new message from Sr. Agnes of Our Lady of Akita

November 5, 2019

You may have already read the news which WQPH broke, and has traveled fast. Please find the story here, which we have updated with a new translation from the original Japanese of the message.

Since then, we have been overwhelmed by the responses and inquiries and now feel it is incumbent upon us to to issue a statement to address some of the responses we have received both directly and indirectly:

Update 11/8: Two edits were made to the original statement. The text “Penitent Rosary” was changed to “Penitential Rosary,” which may refer to refer to a form of the Rosary given to Maria Concepcion Zuniga Lopez, founder of the order of the Nativity and the Perpetual Help of Mary. And the statement that the WQPH being 10 years old was corrected to 8 years old, with the station going on air November 1st, 2011.

WQPH stands by our sources for the story “A new message from Sister Agnes of Our Lady of Akita“, and asks for your prayers for their well-being.

Throughout history, the messengers of private revelation have suffered greatly from resistance both without the Church and within. We have seen that there is no message concerning the salvation of mankind that the devil will not suppress by any means permitted him.

Particularly, we know that Sister Agnes has suffered greatly since the last message of Akita, and we are concerned that this new message, this very simple call to repentance, which we obtained through sources close to her, has begun new tribulations for her and her confidants.

WQPH is a small, 8-year-old, prayer-based apostolate, serving the North Worcester county of Massachusetts as an affiliate of EWTN Radio. We don’t enjoy the financial security of better known stations, and like all Catholic organizations, we have felt the reduction in charitable giving caused by demoralizing scandals and confusion of the present, which seem to be without end.

In short, we have no reason to take on the risks associated with publishing a sensational story such as this new message from Sister Agnes Sasagawa, other than on behalf of sources, who are both reliable and courageous, and who have asked us directly to spread her message.

To the many individuals who have contacted us, we have received your concerns with humility, and we recognize that an update is important to our credibility. But we prioritize foremost the safety of our sources.

So we appeal again to you for your prayers; to pray for all the messengers of the Truth today in the Church, in particular, for Sister Agnes and her confidants.

The new message asks each of us to pray a Penitential Rosary daily, and to cover ourselves in ashes as the residents of Nineveh did upon hearing the prophecy of Jonah.

Until we can obtain more information from our source, we ask you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to discern with faith and reason the veracity of the story, and we thank you for your prudence and devout concern for the integrity of the legacy of Our Lady of Akita and the reputation of her messengers.

The members of WQPH