Novena to Our Lady of Fatima request

“I am calling all Catholics to begin the Novena for the Annunciation tomorrow that this Consecration will be completed according to “the intentions of Our Lady of Fatima.” This Novena is also accessible on the Pray App or online. If you prefer some other Novena (the Immaculate Heart or Our Lady of Fatima), by all means pray it, but do so for the intentions of Fatima. We encourage all to pray this Novena before the Icon of Our Lady of Fatima: [above]
Call your bishop and ask him to join the Pope’s consecration according to Fatima. We know that God is merciful and hears our prayers, especially if we do so with Our Lady. Let us all join in praying this Novena which starts tomorrow, and hope against all hope that God will hear our cries and convert us and Russia, and bring peace.
T. S. Flanders, Editor of OnePeterFive, (via LifeSite News)