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Prayers and patriotism visit Medford nursing homes

July 24, 2020
Residents gather to receive gifts from the visitors

On Sunday, July 19th, members of Legion of Mary and Prayers For Life visited residents of Medford Rehabilitation and Nursing Center to give out red roses, Sacramental medals, American flags, and to say prayers together.

The group was joined by Fr Paul Sullivan, pastor to some of the residents

This is the second nursing home visit organized by the groups, and a third visit is planned to cover all the nursing homes in the city of Medford.

Nursing homes have been the hardest hit by the Coronavirus. As of July 23rd, deaths in long term care facilities constitute more than half of the state’s COVID-19 fatalities.

Participants believe that these visits will bring protection and hope to the residents and show the public that this form of charity is both possible to perform safely during the pandemic.

The residents were very receptive to our visit. They prayed and sang with us and gave us their prayer intentions. Many of them have other family and friends who have illnesses and wanted to have us pray for them too. They requested prayer books so they can pray in their rooms. At the end, they expressed their gratitude for us for spending our time with them.

Julie of Prayers For Life

Residents shared stories of hurting through tough times and how God got them through, and the visitors asked them for prayers.

“They were happy to think they could help us,” said one participant.